Piano Chords
Sunday, December 26, 2004
How to play piano chords
How to play piano chords: "How to play piano chords � you can learn how to play piano using chords
When you were a little girl or boy, you might have taken piano lessons. They were boring and repetitious. You never thought you would learn to play chords with the piano. Honestly, no one really likes to spend hours learning how to play the piano by banging out drills that never get your anywhere.
If you longed to learn how to play piano chords, then you came to the right place. Without spending hundreds of hours practicing useless drills, or shelling out a bunch of money you can learn how to play piano chord with a simple but effective piano chord playing program. The program allows you to do the following:

Play all 12 major piano chords easily and quickly.
Play all 12 minor piano chords easily and quickly.
Pick out a tune with your right hand 'by ear' and by sight
Play all major piano chords, diminished chords, and augmented chords by changing each major piano chord slightly
Learn hot to play piano chord rhythm patterns with your left hand, making music that sounds like the 'real' thing.
Learn harmonizing while you learn to play piano chord
Fill up the empty spaces with fills and extras from piano chords
Arrange your own songs, with an intro, middle and ending
Create smooth orchestral pad in your left hand creating ballads, love songs and uplifting spiritual Christian music
This program is easy to use and enjoyable. Hurray! After years of frustration and misunderstanding, you will finally learn how to play piano chords.

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